Friday, February 15, 2013

Keepin' that Tail Up and Nose Out!

Woof! Sorry for my absence…what a dog blog feaux paw. I’ve just been trampin around being SO busy these past two weeks. 

Well- to start things off, mom went to stay in a big apple!! (Not sure how that works, but sounds yummy to me.)  

Mommies and doggies posing together.  

Saying "bye" to mom before she takes a bite out of a big apple!

I even dreamed about what she was doing...obviously a dream and not reality because clearly I don't see any apples...

While she was gone- I got to spend time with my Auntie Erin, Uncle Jeff and new BFF Ruby!!  

Auntie Erin loved on me when I starting missing mommy, 

Uncle Jeff kept my brain up on tricks,

 and Ruby and I pawed around until we both wore ourselves out!

Ruby showing me the ropes!
Play Fighting for the title of "Couch Queen" 
We both won ;)
 Talk about a great get away.  But just when I was beginning to worry about mom, there she was- greeting me when I awoke from an evening nap!


You could say I missed her...
As much fun as it is getting away on vacation- it’s always nice to come back to the life you have.  Even in it’s simplicity- there is something to appreciate in finding what you learned on your travels can be incorporated in your life here. (But what do I know- I’m just a pup)

As soon as I was getting adjusted back to my daily dog life… and missing having my buddy Ruby around… something MAGICAL happened!  I saw with my own two eyes white fluffy particles delicately falling onto the moist warm ground. After fearfully nosing at it a bit- mom told me it was “snow".

It was then I learned that when you let go of the fear and hesitation of unfamiliarity and let possibility in- you are destined for a life that leads to FUN!


And man- isn’t life fun?  No matter your age or animal- if we keep our ears open everyday to life's surprises, we can experience and learn something new and exiting.

Just when I felt disappointment and was wishing I could have been pawin’ around with my pal Ruby, the snowy surprise came.  But if I had, had it my way- would I have been enjoying this moment right here, right now?

And so it is with little moments like these, which remind me all too well that the planned out life and certainty we all crave- isn’t what really satiates us.  It is in the moments that catch us by surprise and bring with it clarity - that truly provides sustenance.

So keep your tail UP and nose OUT to new things because life will never be short on surprises…

you’ve just gotta’ be ready to jump at them!

Sending you many licks and wags as surprises await you,


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