Tuesday, January 22, 2013

What a Week!

Wow! What a crazy 8 days it’s been.  Talk about life changing.  Hmm- I guess I should back up and introduce myself.  Hey there! It’s Penny.  Thought I could keep myself busy when mom’s away and paw down some of my puppy perspective. 

You’ll have to excuse my embarrassing misspell-- “thoughtz”…learning the alphabet quickly proved to be hard… z and s still confuse me a bit, but I’m getting there.

Well now that that’s out of the way I guess I should catch you up on all the recent happenings! This may even take me a few days…so much as happened and these paws aren’t so helpful when typing.

It was Saturday January 12th when everything changed.  Who knew when a gal woke up in Joplin, MO she'd all the sudden wind up in Tulsa, OK staring into her mommy’s eyes! 

She said it was love at first sight- I say it was love at first smell.

Everything happened so fast- one second I was hangin with the sibs and next thing I know I’m cuddled up with a baby giraffe…gotta admit I was a little scared at first, but as soon as I got introduced to the grandparents and my cousin, Molly -I knew I would fit in.


OH- and how can I forget? Meet “The Male Figure”! Isn’t he handsome? I actually got a little shy…but he ended up being a pretty good couch 'cuddler' - so he already ranks high in my book. 


As soon as I was nestling nicely in Tulsa- I was whisked off to yet another new place- OKC! I'm told Thunder is a pretty big deal here…but I haven’t heard any yet. 

Before leaving town I had to say goodbye to the MF...mommy did as well.  I wasn't about to be left out of the hug!

Doggie Tip: Wanna get in on a hug? Nestle
between the feet until the humans
have to pick you up!
I don't know what was so funny, saying goodbye
is serious business. 

Mom wanted a picture of my first steps in the official OKC crib.  She likes to capture moments if you didn't already pick up on that...I was just left wondering why she left me on the other side of the door.

Home Sweet Home!

The new digs aren’t bad.  This is mommy’s favorite chair, so of course I had to break it in.

I even have a BIG outside area that brings lots of interesting smells and sounds! Well…I would like it except I heard a super scary bark from two dogs next door and I don’t know how I’m ever going to explore it with those big beasts staring and howling at me.

Who knows what these two are capable of!
Luckily, not long after the scare- my Auntie Erin and Uncle Jeff came to visit!  Bow. WOW. Talk about some good smelling Humans.


Well- the paws are wearing down and I’ve gotta bone to chew.

Lots of licks and tail wags your way,

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